Not much going on this week....
Well Friday morning we have an appointment with Cody's middle school to go over placement options.....I am not sure why it took this long to get to this point, (I guess because I have official documentation that Cody really can not help how he is.)
So far the school has just labeled Cody as the "bad kid", "Class Clown", "issue"!!! Even though he has an IEP the school really only looks at the ADHD!!
(So this will be me Friday)
(and this will be the school)
I am also blessed with a cousin that works in Texas with this sort of thing for a school district and has some contacts that are looking at Cody's IEP and results.....Hopefully they can give me some advise this week!!
I will keep you posed on Friday's meeting.
I love the comparison, it fits well. Go in there blazing. You can do it.